“The sun will come up anyway.”
My Mom used to say that when I was young and thought the world was ending. And I try to remember that when times get stressful and everything feels like too much.
If you need a break — from work, from people, from the news — find time to take it today. Even if it’s just five-minutes, caring for yourself may feel like an act of rebellion, but if you don’t put on your own mask first, you can’t help anyone else.
The sun comes up, taking care of yourself is how you prepare to move forward when it does.
I laughed for the first time in days while reading this piece from The Reductress. I then ate four molasses cookies. What can I say? I’m a person who follows medical advice.
I have major stress acne forming on my chin. So great. Luckily, I had some Acropass Miracle Patches on hand.
I am rearranging my office furniture today. This Skillshare class helped me figure out what layout would be best for my needs and my productivity. It’s definitely worth a watch.
When life gets really stressful, I seem to wind up on Tracy Chapman’s Pandora Station. One of my favorites from a very young age, and still fabulous.
Redesigning your resume is stressful. This Career Contessa piece teaches you what rules you may need to break to get your resume the attention it deserves. You can’t get the job if they your resume doesn’t catch the hiring manager’s eye.
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