I asked my husband once what his secret is to be so sickeningly happy all the time.
“I’m a goldfish, Dearest.”
What do you mean you’re a goldfish?
“Goldfish forget about things after three-seconds. So I never worry about bad things for too long or dwell on the negative. I’m a goldfish.”
I’ve thought a lot about this conversation since we had it. Part of me would like to be a person who can just move on from the bad without lingering side effects. Perhaps this is a distinctly male characteristic — since I couldn’t find a single woman who had this skill or felt they could hone it — but when you’ve spent your whole life overthinking everything, remembering almost everything, I wonder how one becomes a goldfish?
I fear you’re either born with fins or you’re not.
Equal Pay Day is March 24th. It’s the day that white women have to work until to make as much money as their male colleagues earned the year before. And for mothers and women of color, it’s even longer.
So what can we do to bring about equal pay for equal work? Know Your Value covers what executives can do to help, and UN Women has suggestions for what we can all do to push the cause forward.
These illustrations about the technology people in the middle 20th Century thought would exist in the future are so fantastic. From a strange looking iPhone-like device to a food delivery truck with a kitchen in the back, deMilked has some fun things.
Need some cute, indestructible dishes? These cheery citrus-decorated plates and bowls would be perfect for a summer patio dinner. They’d also be great for kids who aren’t quite ready for ceramic, but have graduated from divided plates.
This week, I cracked and planned a vacation. Just a short weekend away, but our first real trip since COVID began. I find myself thinking about it a lot. And it always calms me to think about poolside cocktails with my husband, and dinner with some friends. And according to this Vice article, planning something to look forward to might be essential to your mental health.
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