You did it. You survived Monday.
And you’re most of the way through Tuesday.
No quippy thoughts today. Just a newfound desire, thanks to this photo, to visit the Isle of Skye. Scotland 2021? Maybe.

This article from Self raises the brilliant suggestion of having a ‘bad day’ plan and a ‘good day’ plan. What really needs to be accomplished on a bad day? What can you push yourself to get done on a good day? It’s a plan to catch you when you fall.

I bought this Charles River snap up at the start of COVID, wore it a bunch of times, then forgot about. So last night, when I found it folded in a drawer, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for this warm, cozy fleece. It’s going to be a cold, wet winter here; I’m going to need it. Runs up to 3XL.

If you’re as bad at making connections as I am, this article from The Muse will help you improve your workplace small talk. Especially now that we’re interacting on Zoom, we could all use a refresh on how to make chit-chat.

In the Pacific Northwest, you need rain boots for every day between October and April. So I wrote about the best pairs on CapHillStyle. Because nobody wants wet feet.

You had me at dessert recipes for one. (There is a recipe that makes two donuts. Would only be one shy of the correct amount for a single person. ;-)