No time to chat. I have two errands to run, this newsletter to finish, packing to do, and then, I have to drive five hours to Montana. Maybe I’ll be there by midnight.
So let’s take a break!
One Cocktail Thing // Beat the summer heat with a frozen cocktail. Southern Living has 18 different frozen drinks ranging from a Frozen Peach Old Fashioned to a Mississippi Mudslide cocktail. Find the one that’s right for you, pull up a patio chair, and enjoy it this weekend.
One Fashion Thing // Need sunglasses, but never seem to find ones that look food on you? The Everygirl has your complete guide to choosing the glasses that are right for your face shape.
So you’ll never spend an hour trying glasses on in the store only to leave empty handed. Not that I’ve ever done that.
One Sunglasses Thing // Speaking of sunglasses for summer, these Ray-Bans are my favorite. I’ve probably posted them before. I’m posting them again because I love them. Like a lot.
One Funny Thing // If you read my blog, I shared this in today’s Edition post along with a lot of other fun reads and links. But I adored this video — a comedy sketch from Baroness von Sketch Show about “aging out of fashion” and how odd it is to feel like clothes are no longer made for you. Don’t miss it.
One Last Thing // All of these slides from Lainey Molnar were great.
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