Well, we made it. I won’t recap this year because there’s no need. This is the first time in my life that everyone experienced the same hardship, even though we felt it to varying degrees. We grieve the things, aspirations, and people we lost, but we are trying to remain hopeful and focus on the future.
This newsletter has been a bright spot in an otherwise depressing year. To watch it grow has been a joy. To read your messages saying how much you love it and how much you look forward to it has lifted me up in ways I cannot fully express.
Thank you so much for reading it, telling your friends about it, and subscribing to the new weekly newsletter that goes with it. My gratitude for your support is boundless.
As I enter the realm of being fortyish, I am so proud and grateful for Thirtyish.
I always feel about itchy talking about self-care. Maybe because influencers and brands turned something positive into a marketing tool for everything from pricey face masks to juice cleanses. But real self care is just about prioritizing your mental health needs , because if you don’t put on your own oxygen mask first, you can’t help anyone else.
Real Simple pulled together a list of eight simple ways to look after yourself every day, from spending time in nature to learning how to say ‘no.’
If you’re from New York or New Jersey, I probably don’t have to tell you about Action Park, a water park with no rules and no liability insurance. But if you’re looking for something watch this weekend, this documentary about the place was mesmerizing.
I’m not hauling my weighted blanket to Montana as hotel room space is at a premium. To replace it, I found this weighted sleep mask, and it is amazing for falling asleep when you can’t make your mind rest.
This oldie-but-goodie article from Ellevest will help you start the year off right for your career. It talks about six career resolutions that you should consider making in the New Year. I’d recommend choosing just one so you can do some professional self-improvement without feeling overwhelmed.
My husband does most of the cooking, but I’m trying to do more myself. I can cook — at least, I think I remember how — but it’s been a while since I cooked every day. Shape discusses how we can all keep to our resolution to eat healthier and cook more, from the grocery store to the done dishes.
Have a Happy and Safe New Year!
See you in 2021, xo Abra