See You Next Tuesday: Vol. II, No. Three
A magazine for 40-somethings, a lovely documentary, whether double dipping spreads germs, and more.
As January speeds to a close, I’ve been thinking about behaviors and cycles that I would prefer not to repeat in 2024.
Last year, was a year of dishonesty. I was lying to myself. Living a delusion that next week or next month what ailed me would be different. I’d sort out what was broken when I left Montana, when I got a different job, when things slowed down a little. (Do things ever slow down a little?)
The truth was, I had no interest in sorting out any of it. I wanted it to happen magically, without sacrifice, without pain, without growth…just, poof. That is not how life works, especially not in your 40s. Change is an unruly beast, and the older you get, the harder it is to pivot.
So I thought that today, we’d discuss the three lies I won’t be telling myself in 2024.